Inferno illustrations by Gustave Dore




Inferno illustrations by Dore

Inferno illustrations by Gustave Dore

Inferno Illustrations by Gustave Dore

The illustrations shown here by Gustave Dore have an almost magical ability to transform the words of Dante -- and those of Dan Brown -- into beautiful images. They conjure this world in a way that we might not have imagined, and thereby add immeasureably to our experience of this other place. 

Illustrations specifically related to Dan Brown's novel can be found here.

Our journey through the underworld begins with the image above. Soon after arriving in hell (inferno) Dante sees the colossal and mighty King Minos passing judgement on newly arrived members of that lower world.

More Inferno Illustrations by Gustave Dore

Charon, ferryman of the dead

[Canto 3, line 76]


Virtuous pagans in limbo

[Canto 4, line 40]

Dante and Virgil among the gluttons

[Canto 6, line 61]

Punishment of the avaricious and the prodigal

[Canto 7, line 25]

Wrathful trying to emerge from the River Styx

[Canto 7, line 115]

Virgil pushes Filippo Argenti back into the River Styx

[Canto 8, line 40]

Virgil pointing out the Furies

[Canto 9, line 43]

Celestial messenger dispersing the devils

[Canto 9, line 88]

Dante and Virgil among the heretics

[Canto 9, line 127]

Centaurs patrolling the violent against others

[Canto 12, line 76]

Harpies in the wood of the suicides

[Canto 13, line 10]

Blasphemers, sodomites, and usurers in the seventh circle

[Canto 14, line 40]


[Canto 17, line 121]

Punishment of the panderers and seducers

[Canto 18, line 37]

Dante and Nicholas III discussing the fate of Pope Boniface VIII and Clement V

[Canto 19, line 49]

Devils tormenting a barrator from Lucca

[Canto 21, line 52]

Devils confronting Dante and Virgil

[Canto 21, line 70]


[Canto 23, line 115]

Punishment of the thieves

[Canto 24, line 91]

Punishment of the sowers of discord

[Canto 28, line 73]

Dante and Virgil among the falsifiers

[Canto 29, line 82]

Nimrod and his horn

[Canto 31, line 70]

Virgil pointing out Ephialtes and the other giants

[Canto 31, line 91]

Dante and Virgil traversing River Cocytus

[Canto 32, line 19]

Ugolino gnawing on the brains of the Archbishop Ruggieri

[Canto 32, line 130]

Virgil and Dante emerging from hell by following the sound of a stream

[Canto 34, line 133]

Dante and Virgil gazing at the stars

[Canto 34, line 139]


That gives you a look at the world Dante created. For the actual world in which he lived -- and that of the Templars who inspired his masterpiece -- the next best thing to being there is to have a book that gives you a good picture of what was taking place.

For that, take a look at Sworn in Secret. When hundreds of Knights Templar were executed during Dante's time, it changed everything that followed. These are the real-life stories of the Templars who survived those attacks and were forced to live outside the law. In time they had their revenge on kings and the Vatican for those fallen brothers. 

Two intriguing books---

Inferno Illustrations


Sworn in Secret                                     Inferno.

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Inferno Illustrations by Dore

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When many Templars were burned to death after 1307, it inspired Dante to write his Inferno. That in turn inspired Dan Brown to write his Inferno. But the story of the surviving Templars is in many ways as fascinating as those two works of fiction.


Intriguing new sources light up this stirring story of the Knights Templar. By following the lives of individual knights we get to experience their rise, fall and survival. Those who avoided being burned at the stake were forced to live in secret outside the law. In time they had their revenge on kings and the Vatican for their fallen brothers.

See Templars book review

Book Review of Dan Brown's Inferno

These intriguing details of Dan Brown's Inferno book will whet your appetite for more. See the Inferno book review

Secret Passage-ways in Florence

Built by the notoriously secretive Medici family, this passageway actually exists, and Robert Langdon finds danger there at every turn. See Inferno passageways

Facebook Page

The Knights Templar page on Facebook stays up to date on what is happening in that world and this one. Check it out on the Facebook page.


The pictures go on and on, with illustrations followed by images, and some Inferno graphics. Then come drawings, with Dore doing more illustrations. If that isn't enough, we then have diagrams, sketches and more Inferno illustrations.

Gustave Dore's Inferno Illustrations